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Special Event: Disability Awareness Month's Keynote Address by Rachel Simon ‘81

April 4, 2016

Thursday, April 7, 7:30 pm, Wyndham

How do we help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live with meaning, dignity, and respect Attend this talk to hear Rachel Simon ’81 unpack this question! 

Rachel Simon '81, who also taught from 1996-2007 in the Creative Writing Program, is the award-winning author of six books and a nationally-recognized public speaker on issues related to diversity and disability. Her awards include The American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson Recognition Award for Contributions to the Field of Disability.

On Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 pm in Wyndham Alumnae House, Rachel will use original artwork, family photos, and archival photos to discuss our shared history, her personal history, and how we can all make a difference.

This talk touches on many issues familiar to those in the disability community: the abuse and dehumanizing conditions in the institution, the advent of deinstitutionalization, and the value of dedicated Direct Support Professionals, who work to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. Rachel also weaves in issues such as the right to community living, romance, self-expression, spirituality, and independence.

Following the talk, there will time for Q&A, with dessert reception and book signing.

Please in advance. For questions or accessibility information, contact Niki Barker (

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