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Special Event: LEAP’s 10th Birthday Celebration

November 19, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, Campus Center

LEAP is turning 10 years old this year!  Celebrate LEAP's birthday by attending one of our most popular LEAP workshops!

Leadership Empowerment & Advancement Program () is an intensive leadership development program that offers students the opportunity to develop skills that will help them become more effective group leaders, group members, organizational members, and on a long-term basis, better employees.

On Wednesday, December 9, LILAC|Civic Engagement invites community members to celebrate the 10th birthday of LEAP throughout the day.

11:30 am – 1 pm: Birthday Cake in the Campus Center

6 – 7:30 pm: LEAP Leadership Styles Workshop (Register )

Join us for our most popular LEAP workshop! During this interactive 90 minute workshop you will identify your leadership style, better understand your strengths and challenges as a leader, and gain a stronger understanding of how to use your style more effectively. We will also be joined by LEAP alumnae who will co-facilitate this workshop and talk about their own leadership journeys.

Questions? Contact Ellie Esmond(

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