CS Major and Minor Requirements

Please consult with your assigned Major/Minor advisor for all questions related to your program.

Students interested in majoring or minoring in Computer Science should make an appointment with a faculty advisor to create a viable major/minor plan as soon as possible. 

In addition to the core curricular requirements of the college, the following Computer Science major and minor requirements must be fulfilled, with the stipulation that all required electives must be above 151+231 and at least three of the four required electives must be 300-level or above. At least one course should be a designated WRITING course (W). In addition, please be aware of our outside-credit transfer policy, as well as JYA-credit transfer policy.

Recommended Course Plan for a Major in Computer Science
Year Fall Semester Spring Semester
First Year 113
231 (if not taken in the fall)
Sophomore B223/H251
Junior B340/B337 (W)
Senior elective 399